
Controlling how you move is the foundation for all sports and physical feats. Be aware of whats going on.

Understanding your muscles

The way muscles function show us the ways we can have greater control of our movements. Understanding how they grow gives us a way to increase the capacity of our strength and mobility.


Major Points

muscle ted ed talk

How do you carry yourself

It may not seem that important, but your posture plays a big role in your overall personality and fitness. Having good posture may have more benefits than you realize.


Major Points

Mastery of movement

In order to get better at anything, practice and repetition will always be part of the equation, and movement is not exempt. By practicing how to maneuver your body through difficult positions will help build muscle relationships and, over time, better mastery of movement.


Major Points

movnat movement

Movement complexity

ido portal movement

Your joints allow for the different types of bending and twisting that accompany any type of movement. Their abundance allows for a vast possibility of complex motion that a human body is able to perform.


Major Points

Ido Portal's youtube channel is full of videos demonstrating different ways to practice movement complexity. 

Body language shapes who you are

Your body language says a lot more about you than you might think. If you pay enough attention, it can even tell you about yourself.


Major Points

body language

Becoming more aware of your movements and controlling your muscles in a conscious way will help elevate your level of mobility.