
Turning the stuff we eat into stuff we use in our body. That's all there really is to your metabolism.

You are what you eat

Everything that you eat will get processed by your body. Some of it will actually become your body. Learn the roles of the things you eat so you can give your body what it needs. It can only use what you give it.


Major Points

Break down food to build yourself


Take a closer look at metabolism and the specific processes that are responsible for helping your body rebuild itself.


Major Points

A closer look at what you do to food

We extract more than just building blocks from food. They also contain the energy that we use to fuel all biological functions.


Major Points


Fat is essential for life, but not all of them

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Contrary to diet propaganda, fat is necessary and essential for life. However there are many types of fat and they all get processed in different ways. See why good fat is good, and bad fat can lead to health problems.


Major Points

A closer look at metabolism shows you that food is like tools, and using the right tools for the right job will get the job done.