
We all encounter stress at some point in our daily lives, and being able to manage it effectively is essential for good health.

How stress works

Take a biological look at the stress response. See how a stressful situation can effect the way your body functions and the different chemical reactions that they cause.


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Another look at stress and your brain

stress brain ted talk

Functional stress is a necessary part of daily life. Chronic stress, on the other hand, is dangerous to your health. Being under constant stress can leave real big long lasting impacts on your brain.


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Chronic stress affects your body too

Your brain is not the only one to suffer from chronic stress. Maintaining a high level of stress for a long amount of time can deteriorate your body in a number of ways.


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stress body ted

Using stress for good

stress good teded ted talks

There is a good side to stress. Our stress response is there for a reason, and by properly controlling it, it can empower us to complete the most daunting of endeavors. 


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By utilizing stress in the way it was designed, power can be acquired to complete troubling tasks. Remember, as with most things in life, moderation is key.